Balancing Jay

One soul ponders Jay Phelan's writings.

Jay Phelan pens a regular article, Markings, for The Covenant Companion, the Evangelical Covenant Church's monthly magazine.   Dr. Phelan is President of North Park Theological Seminary.

I respect Dr. Phelan (we've never met).  I appreciate the way he challenges my thinking, beliefs and conclusions.

But sometimes I feel he doesn't adequately address the reasons behind some of my beliefs. So I'm compelled to respond: to scrutinize, add perspective, and challenge. To bring balance.

The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him. —Proverbs 18:17

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Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Four Tables (October, 2005)

Jay introduces us to four different "tables," contexts in which to consider our lives and ministries.

The kitchen table: "A church that fails to form community will ultimately fail in other areas of outreach and ministry."

  • "Where do you gather as a family to tell stories, wrestle with problems, play games, soothe tears?"

  • "How do you form community in your congregation?"

The seminar table: "A church that is not committed to intellectual engagement with the Scriptures and the world is quite literally 'brain dead.'"

The operating table: May the chuch be a place where all find healing in Jesus.

  • "How does your church join God in the healing and reconciliation of the world?"

  • "How does it share God's passion for the lost and the poor and the fearful and the broken?"

  • How can we cultivate that passion in the midst of our busy lives?

  • Do you find yourself shying away from the shattered? Thinking they need more time, energy, or resources than you have to give? What would Jesus do?

The communion table: May the church be a place where, despite all our differences, we can sit together at the foot of the same Cross.

"And we look forward to the marriage supper of the Lamb."