Jay Phelan pens a regular article,
Markings, for
The Covenant Companion,
Evangelical Covenant Church's monthly magazine.
Dr. Phelan is President of
North Park Theological Seminary.
I respect Dr. Phelan (we've never met). I appreciate the way he challenges my thinking, beliefs and conclusions.
But sometimes I feel he doesn't adequately address the reasons behind some of my beliefs.
So I'm compelled to respond: to scrutinize, add perspective, and challenge. To bring balance.
The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him. —Proverbs 18:17
Thanks for visiting. Click on
comments at the end of an article to give me
your two cents—or balance
Please forgive the hiatus I've been taking here. I enjoy pondering Dr. Phelan's writing, and intend to continue, but I've been swamped recently.
Merry Christmas.